
Confess Its Time To Change Jobs

OK. Here's one scenario that says it's time to change jobs. It's Sunday night.

You're dreading getting up in the morning and facing another week. When you get to work you're bored. Or maybe your boss has become a revolving pain. Or you got stepped over for a promotion or raise. Maybe you just hate it. There can be lots of reasons why it's time to change jobs.

But the most important one is what you feel in your gut. Something tells you it's time. But then it strikes you . . . I've got to find another job.

That means I have to pull up stakes and start all over in another situation. It means taking a risk that I'm a little squeamish about. It means uncertainty. So, you find there are a lot of reasons NOT to change jobs. This is a dilemma that most people face who are considering the option to change jobs. So, you're not alone.

The question is how to resolve the dilemma and come to an intelligent, satisfying solution. Fortunately there are many things you can do to arrive at a reasonable decision. 1.

Don't do anything immediately no matter how tense your situation is. You can ease your mind by making the decision to change jobs intelligently . . . as soon as YOU'RE ready. 2.

Do your homework. Consider the possibility that there are other opportunities within your organization. If you're determined to look outside, begin to explore other organizations where there's a potential match between your interest and their needs.

3. Re-evaluate your own capabilities and assets. They probably differ a good deal from the last time you were in the market. Do not rely on the information in your old resume to dictate your assets. Rather, do a bottom up review of your accomplishments both in and out of your job description.

Remember, employers these days want to know what you can do for them . . .

not what you used to do for someone else. 4. Identify people who can serve you as career partners. These are relative, friends, neighbors, business leaders, community leaders, religious leaders.

people you do business with. All of the folks are in a position to help you by giving you advice, recommending employers and even introducing you to prospective employers. 5.

Test market yourself and your qualifications. Utilize these career partners to fine tune your image, resume, presentation, options, etc. These important tasks will position you in the job marketplace so that when you're ready to change jobs, you've got a track to run on. You'll be way ahead of the game while at the same time assuring yourself that you're making an intelligent move.

Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Find A Job In As Little As 14 Days!" Click on RSS for instant info!

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